Gondola Ecosystem

Gondola Ecosystem eliminates the concept of “owning a car” by modularizing the basic transportation unit and re-organizing the ownership model toward achieving maximum sustainability.

At the core of everything is the Gondola Unit concept – in which the functionality of a wheeled transportation unit is separated into two major modules.

1. The Gondola Pod – which is a personal transportation vessel – basically an interior of a car stripped of any elements required for controlling the vehicle and optimized for a safe and comfortable journey.

2. The Gondola Frame – that provides all the things required to move a pod from point A to B – including the hardware and software required for autonomous driving, sensors, battery, engine(s), wheels and so on…

The Pod can be owned privately, be shared across a couple of owners or be an element of mass transportation systems. It is the cheapest, simplest and least resource-demanding element of the system.

The Frame is owned, maintained and operated by a centralized organization (local government?) and provided to each Gondola System user on-demand – at the moment when the need for travelling/transportation is identified.

Procurement of the frames as well as their maintenance, charging, repairs, upgrades and modifications are managed by the Gondola Mesh System and handled in the specialized maintenance areas called Gondola Bases.

Gondola Mesh System is also managing the communication between the vehicles and routes them from point A to B by providing the most optimal path while reducing the risk of collisions.

The Gondola Ecosystem is balancing the number of available Gondola Frames in a way that provides an optimal saturation for a given area – making sure that there are always enough charged Frames available so each user can expect to get their demand for travel answered at a maximum of 5 minutes.

Gondola Ecosystem aims at drastically reducing the amount of wasted resources and energy while preserving the idea of having a privately owned transportation vessel:

  • the end-user owns only the cheapest and easiest to maintain element of the system – no overhead in terms of resources and mass
  • the centralized system is optimizing the number and quality of the elements required to move the user from point A to B – allowing for optimized energy management, recycling, maintenance and modernization.