The Problem Statement

The current individual/personal transportation means are inefficient and unsustainable. They are failing its their purpose and devastating the planet – even in the most recent electric iterations.

Majority of them is based on an outdated concept of “owning a car” – which is one of the least effective ways one can use the resources of this planet to move from point A to B. Each time we enable the engine we waste a whole lot of energy and pollute the planet. The amount of resources and energy that we need to invest in just simply enabling that option (mining, processing, crafting, assembling) is just simply incredible and completely unsustainable.

In most common travel situations the cars carry only one or two people. What is the point of moving 1 tonne of a total mass just to transport weight of 120-150 kg? How much energetical overhead do we need to add in order to make it happen. Additionally – according to the BMW & GoMore studies* almost all of the cars that we privately own are spending most of the time being parked. We buy those complex, powerful machines just to put them on the parking lots for 80% of their projected lifetime.

The volume of air pollution created by our cars has become fortunately a widely recognized fact – impossible to negate these days – and in the attempt of becoming more sustainable, we started to switch our combustion-based engines to electric ones.

But the “electric car revolution” comes at a price – and we are just starting to learn about all the drawbacks that come together with it – the least of them being producing enough green energy to move our cars.

Producing car batteries requires rare elements that are today gathered in a way that can hardly be called ethical. The technologies utilised for making those batteries are today hardly sustainable. The way the batteries are being integrated and used will cause massive problems with storing and recycling – and nobody knows how to address these issues at scale.

Rolling out the “electric revolution” across the wide world will in the near-future cause massive charging infrastructure investments necessary – drastically increasing the demand for electrical equipment and copper – more mining, processing, building, emitting CO2… not to mention that copper is also not an element that easy to come by…

Owning a car today means that you have an access to safe, personalized transportation isolated from external conditions. But it also in fact makes you an owner of a super complex system – consisting of wheels, frame, chassis, engine, advanced safety systems, computers, wipers, headlights, hydraulic brake solutions and many more – everything that allows it to move and protects yourself when anything goes wrong.

Each of these elements and sub-systems is:

  • an expensive piece of advanced engineering made from uncommon materials that require mining, moulding, cutting, shaping, programming – requiring time & energy
  • something that you have no choice but to buy and take with you every time you want to move and pay the price for the energy required to move all of that stuff together with you.
  • something that you need to keep in good shape, check, repair and insure – just to keep yourself safe and follow the regulations

BUT what is the point of owning and paying for all these things in a vehicle that is not used 80% of the time? What is the point of dragging a tonne of the equipment together with you every time you move?

So far everyone is accepting this state as the natural way of evolving the existing model – but is it really an optimal way and most sustainable way to deliver personal transportation?